Frequently Asked Questions

1. Is this course for new or experienced homeschoolers?

Charlotte Mason Made Easy is for the person who wants to know more about Charlotte Mason's philosophy, and how to apply it in the home. It will suit those who know a little about Charlotte Mason and want more.  It will also suit those who have been using Charlotte Mason for a while and are looking for refreshment, and a "shot in the arm" If you want to be enthused and encouraged, then it"s for you.

2. How does the course work?

Each week's lesson presents an aspect of Charlotte Mason’s philosophy of education and has an assignment which will usually involve reading selected pages from Charlotte Mason’s own work, and completing some written work (which is for your own personal use only).
There are also "advanced" readings that more serious Charlotte Mason homeschoolers will find interesting and helpful.

3. Does my membership include personal coaching?

Unfortunately, the answer is "no". While I will always be available to handle support requests like helping with downloading a lesson, I don't have the time to personally coach all the course members.

4. Do I have to commit to the entire 13 weeks?

No, absolutely not. While I don't think you'll want to do so, you may cancel anytime you want. You may email me directly for a prompt and courteous cancellation. But, I don't think you'll want to cancel once you do start the course!

5. How quickly can I start applying what I am learning about Charlotte Mason?

You will get ideas and inspiration that you can apply the very first week.  You will also be presented with ideas which will almost certainly affect your views of parenting and homeschooling in the first couple of weeks. And you will be probably be choosing your books differently by the third week.

6. Do I have to buy books or supplies to complete the course?

Although you may like to buy or download and print your copy of Charlotte Mason’s books, you will be able to complete the course and all the reading on the course without spending any money on books. You will probably want to get a ring binder or notebook to keep your class notes and lessons.

7. On what day of the week will I receive my weekly emails?

There isn't a set "day" of the week when lessons will arrive to your inbox. The automatic system is set up to send out your lesson approximately every 7 days (sometimes there is a 24-48 hour difference in delivery, but you'll always receive a lesson each week).

8. We are on a very slow dial-up connection, will I be able to do the online course?

The online course is designed to be available to everyone, even if you are on slow dial-up.  It’s actually a weekly download which comes to you as a PDF and is the same size as a large email – 300kb or less.


Please feel free to email me if you have any other questions, especially if the answer will be helpful to others.
